Tunza Sports; Changing the dynamics of talent nurturing in Kenya and beyond.

Tunza Sports Foundation founder Rael Nyte during a past hockey event [Coutersy]

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In a fast evolving world, sports, as a fundamental aspect of life in society is also experiencing rapid development, especially due to globalised rigorous talent exchange programs. Talented young people continue to emerge in different kinds of sports. Some of these talents come from underprivileged backgrounds, where they have neither the opportunity nor the tools and mentors to support their growth into the pinnacles of their abilities. To bridge such gaps, therefore, interest groups have emerged to promote both sports tourism and talent identification and development. In a recent interview, City Bite Magazine was made aware of the scope and objectives of Tunza Sports, a U.S based talent identification and nurturing organization, that was founded in the year 2016, by Rael Nyte, a U.S based Kenyan.

What is Tunza Sports? Our interviewers asked. ” Tunza, which means ‘to nurture’ in Swahili, is a USA-based non-profit organization formally known as the Tunza Sports Foundation,” a loquacious Rael declared. ” The organization operates in Kenya, leveraging the power of sports to address significant societal issues faced by rural communities far from urban centers. At its core, Tunza focuses on education, aiming to provide underprivileged, underrepresented children living in extreme poverty with the opportunity to pursue free post- secondary education.

This educational opportunity is crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals to return and contribute to their own communities. ” she said. Sports, is a major co-carricular activity in Kenya, and goes hand in hand with the education system of the country. According to Rael, It would be incredibly beneficial if the government provided free education at pre-college levels. This, to her, would allow organizations like Tunza to focus on college assistance, significantly accelerating their mission to eradicate poverty.

It is noteworthy that according to research published in the nalandaschool.org, Integrating sports in education is not only a fun way to transform the learning experience, but it can also have some pretty positive effects on a child’s overall development. In fact, they can play a role in helping students become more confident and have better self-esteem.That notwithstanding, sports have also earned some students high value scholarships, accentuating the approach employed by the organisation to support both sports and education.

Asked of the status of the Organisation, Ms. Nyte responded with details, that the organisation is fully registered both in Kenya and in the United States of America. “Tunza Sports Foundation is registered as an NGO in Kenya and as a non-profit in the USA,” Rael said. “Our key principle is centered on the virtue of giving back to the society, with those who receive support encouraged to help others in the future, whenever they can,” she declared.

” The primary issue the organization addresses is the persistent cycle of poverty in Kenya’s rural communities, particularly among girls. Many girls are unable to continue their education beyond primary school due to financial constraints in their families. This situation often leads them into ordinary jobs with meagre pay like working as a house help while some unfortunately resort to sex work or even forced into child marriages,” she told us.

According to statistics published in girlsnotbridges.org, 23% of Kenyan girls are married before their 18th birthday and 4% are married before the age of 15. This leaves a lot to be desired with regard to girl-child protection, empowerment and education, which requires concerted efforts to achieve.

” Tunza begins supporting girls as young as eight years old. By the time they are ready for high school, the organization helps secure free tuition for them, as many of these girls are raised by grandmothers, single parents, or are orphans. Without this support, they face harsh life choices such as early marriage, child labor, teen pregnancies, health issues, or even death from complications related to female genital mutilation (FGM). Providing them with the opportunity to attend high school represents a critical chance to escape these dire circumstances and build a better future,” she said.

She then did a flashback of the humble beginnings of the Organisation. “As the founder, I launched this program by reaching out to my friend for sports gear and equipment,” she recounted. In response, ” She shipped the equipment to Kenya which we used to establish hockey and other sports such as baseball, lacrosse, and boxing. Field hockey, however, remains the heart of the program, and we have achieved remarkable progress in a short time. Donations of uniforms, sticks, and shoes alleviate the financial burden on our budget, allowing us to focus on other pressing needs such as meals and school uniforms,” she said. “This project is so dear to me and I am the primary funder of Tunza Sports,” Rael appended.”Therefore, without the generous support from my networks in hockey from the U.S, the organization wouldn’t be in this level,” she declared.

It is to be understood that Tunza celebrated its first major successes by participating in the annual youth hockey tournaments for Under-11 and Under-13 teams in Mombasa, usually held by Mombasa County Hockey Association. This initiative not only introduced the children from places like Ratta in Kisumu to sports tourism by taking them out of their villages for the first time but also led to consistent victories. The return home with medals was met with enthusiastic celebrations from parents, teachers, and the entire community -Ratta-. The reception was a grand affair with singing, chanting, dancing, and traditional celebrations, symbolizing the community’s support and pride. This level of community-based support exemplifies the profound impact of Tunza’s work. A hockey team has truly transformed the community by instilling hope and solidarity.

The organization also initiated a hockey-related scholarship program, securing placements for girls in prestigious county high schools in Kenya. According to Rael, Tunza has also collaborated closely with their partner schools to advance their mission in promoting talent nurturing, education and sports tourism.

Currently, the organization has 10 partner schools that have enrolled a total of 135 girls, according to the founder.

“Tunza also addresses gaps in sex education and life skills through workshops designed to empower young girls,” Rael said. “We provide essential resources, including sanitary pads, to help address menstrual poverty and hygiene related challenges,” she said. ” Annually, 200 girls benefit from these resources, promoting their health and well-being and reducing the need to sell their bodies to purchase pads.In the past two years, Tunza has achieved significant sporting success. For instance, one of our high school partners, composed entirely of Tunza players, won the National Trophy for the first time in 32-years, and triumphed at the East Africa Games in Rwanda, marking their first international travel experience. We were also featured in the inaugural NOCK (Kenya National Olympic Committee) Beach Games as the only all-female field hockey team competing against co-ed adult teams, ” she added.

Asked about the scope of the Organisation, Rael told City Bite that Tunza has it’s headquarters in New Jersey,U.S.A with the center for field operations based in Ratta in rural parts of Kisumu County, Governor Nyong’o’s backyard and the host for FESTAC AFRICA festival 2024. Additionally, it has four key locations for field offices in Kenya, including in Kwale-Kilifi County, Oyani-Migori County, Samburu County, Marsabit County and Nyalenda in Kisumu County where they have a boxing facility.

She then went ahead to highlight the importance of working with marginalized communities in the northern regions of Kenya. ” These remote areas are vital for donor visits due to their isolation. In Samburu, for instance, we have introduced a lacrosse program and partnered with the Mary Immaculate Girl Child Rescue Education Center in Suguta, a Catholic-led rescue center for girls escaping FGM and early marriages. At Suguta, we support their existing soccer and athletics programs and have introduced field hockey and lacrosse. We have also introduced hockey at the Samburu Girls Foundation in Loosuk,” she stated.

“In other parts like Migori, however, the centre serves as a refuge for girls attending schools located further from their homes. It also functions as the training base for children from Mukuyu Primary and surrounding schools while in Kwale, Kilifi County, We focus on girls’ hockey and collaborate with ‘The Grandsons of Abraham,’ -an organization dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating street children-, she said. ” In a nutshell, our operations in different locations are tailored to adapt to the unique needs of beneficiary communities,” Rael told City Bite. “We use sports to identify and address challenges bedevilling communities in the grassroots, with respect to their cultures notwithstanding. “

What is the role Tunza Sports will play in FESTAC AFRICA festival 2024?

“Tunza’s activities extend beyond sports to include talent discovery in the arts and tourism, aiming to reduce reliance on foreign aid,” City Bite was made aware by Rael.

“While sports serve as a powerful vehicle for progress, our mission is to make a broader impact by improving lives and breaking the cycle of poverty within our target communities,” she stated.

“Through guided and purposeful initiatives, Tunza seeks to foster self-reliance and diminish dependency on aid, aligning with our core message to FESTAC. As a former Kenyan International Hockey player and current member of the USA Masters Women’s Hockey Team, I also serve as a field hockey Technical Official with Junior Premier Hockey, USA Field Hockey, the Pan American Hockey Federation, and have had opportunities to officiate at FIH series and Pro-League matches. “

“In the US, I have been honored with the New Jersey State Governor’s Jefferson Awards in the “Against All Odds” category for exceptional volunteerism and public service. This award category, recognized by the United States Senate and the Governor’s Council on Volunteerism, celebrate individuals who have triumphed over significant challenges to serve others. “

“In Kenya, I have also received numerous accolades for my contributions to community service. My groundbreaking efforts in hockey development in Kenya has garnered international recognition from esteemed bodies such as the International Hockey Federation (FIH), the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Pan American Hockey Federation, and USA Field Hockey. “

“Moreover, I have been prominently featured in local Kenyan print media, spotlighting the significant impact on girls’ lives. These accolades offer a comprehensive view of the importance of my initiatives relative to peers in similar fields in Kenya, highlighting the transformative effect of the material donations received thus far.”

“With a career in Diplomacy at the United Nations and academic qualifications including master’s degrees in diplomacy, Public Administration, a B.A. in Political Science, and a B.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering, I have continued to drive change through sports and education.”

“At FESTAC, we approach our involvement as ‘participants’ rather than mere ‘recipients,’ reflecting a core philosophy that we instill in every beneficiary of our program. We believe in using sports to actively engage children, enabling them to shape their own futures rather than just receive donations. Our commitment is to ensure that every participant’s hard work, discipline, and dedication to community service contribute to their journey with Tunza. Early morning practices, completing household chores on time, and balancing schoolwork with sports are all integral parts of this effort.”

“Tunza is dedicated to generating all the necessary resources to offer our services at no cost to the participants. However, we prioritize maintaining a sense of pride and dignity among those receiving help. We believe in providing support in a way that allows recipients to feel they have earned it. This approach teaches our kids that hard work and dedication lead to tangible rewards.”

“For those outside our academy who seek assistance, we encourage them to volunteer at our events, fostering a sense of involvement and enabling them to give back in their own way. We believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute. Our philosophy has proven successful in many areas. For example, the pilot program’s success led to improved hockey performances and better livelihoods for the girls and their communities. “

“One of our milestone achievements is that we successfully re-introduced hockey to Primary public schools, after decades. Our program demonstrated that with good academic performance, students could attend reputable schools with hockey programs, leading to an increased demand for the sport. Consequently, other primary schools have requested the introduction of hockey, expanding our network of partner high schools from 2 in 2019 to 10 as of January 2024.”

“The impact extends to the high schools our girls attend, where coaches value their advanced skills and experience. Our continuous feeder program has elevated hockey performance in these schools, enhancing their competitiveness at regional and national levels. “

“This success has set a blueprint that other high schools are adopting, resulting in more competitive environments and a higher demand for our talented players. A significant and measurable success story emerged from Nyamira High School, one of our partner schools in 2023, which became National and East Africa Hockey Champions after 32 years of being confined to county-level competitions,” Rael said. “As a result, Nyamira Girls was recognised by the Governors of borh the two counties – Siaya county where the school is based, and Kisumu county where the players were born and bred into pioneers of hockey at Tunza-. Additionally, they received cash rewards from both governors.”

“The introduction of field hockey into these previously underserved rural areas has had a profound impact on the community, families, and schools associated with Tunza. This achievement has not only opened doors to greater opportunities for the participants but has also touched the lives of equipment donors from the USA, Canada, Australia, and Argentina, who find immense satisfaction in the difference they’ve made.Field hockey, as our flagship sport, has inspired growth in unexpected places. This ripple effect has led to the development of youth hockey programs in inner cities, estates, and villages across Kenya, all following Tunza’s example. “

“We have demonstrated that hockey can thrive even in the most remote locations, starting with just one stick, one ball, and one child. Our success has debunked the myth that hockey is limited to urban areas and has sparked a wave of grassroots hockey initiatives, with more people seeking guidance and equipment to start their own programs. In addition to hockey, our boy-child boxing program has also made a significant impact. This program, aimed at keeping youth off the streets, teaching discipline, and encouraging school attendance, owes its success to our partnership with Aces Boxing Club in Boonton, NJ, USA. The compassion, dedication, and remarkable achievements of Tunza have garnered significant recognition.”

” Our Hockey-for-Tuition program has successfully supported over 135 girls in high school with scholarships funded by the schools themselves, demonstrating our trailblazing efforts. Tunza has also become a movement that celebrates African Arts, Culture, and Sports Tourism. Being part of platforms like FESTAC allows us to showcase what’s possible and reinforces our genuine commitment to empowering youth in Kenya’s rural communities, where hope is scarce and external support is crucial.”

” In conclusion, Tunza’s presence serves as a beacon of hope for families, schools, future players, and the sport of hockey throughout Kenya. To share our work and achievements through Hockey, Boxing, and Dance at FESTAC would present an unforeseen financial challenge, which is surprising given our lack of financial sponsors.”

To support Tunza Sports, please visit tunzasports.org, where you’ll find a donation button offering various ways to contribute. While we can’t capture all their success stories in a single reading. Explore their channels —YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram—using the handle (@tunzasports) to learn more about their impact. https://youtube.com/@tunzasports1920?si=AJgFQkai8DEJlyGz