AFTWOB launches a fundraising drive to support the education of young boys from vulnerable families.

An emblem of The Association For The Welfare of The Boy Child

Association For The Welfare of The Boy Child, abbreviated as AFTWOB has launched a fundraising drive to support the education of young boys who hail from vulnerable families in Kisumu, Kenya.

Founded in 2023, the organisation’s main objective is to champion gender inclusion, through mentoring and empowering young boys and conducting education on gender gaps that impede gender parity in Africa.

Since it’s inception,the organisation has made remarkable strides in creating awareness on the relevance of actively involving both males and females in the conversations, of gender inclusion and related empowerment.

According to the Executive Director Mr. Ochieng’ Abong’o, the foundations of the Organisation were plinthed on the principle that the modern world is an equilibrium, where all and sundry have an equal opportunity to thrive and make a difference. “Both boys and girls deserve to be supported and protected,” Ochieng’ told City Bite. “A part of protection is to provide and support quality education for all,” he stated “If we raise boys with strong background education, they will understand this basic concept,” he declared. “Same applies to girls. We are in a new era of thinking and traditional societal beliefs are nolonger viable. This is a fact we must recognize,” Ochieng’ said.

It is to be stated that a recent study done by Husika indicated that the number of young boys dropping out of school continue to rise by the year, something that Ochieng’ says saddens him. “I’m not impressed by this situation. I’m moved to know why and potentially through our organisation make a difference. A society whose youths are educated is a society with strong foundations. This is why I rally all, to join us in supporting the education of these young boys.”

According to the information at our disposal, AFTWOB seeks to raise $1000,000 to support pay school fees and provide stationery for young boys from poor families in Kenya.

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