It is unethical to conduct survey, push for reinstatement of fired public servants.

A picture of President Ruto chairs a meeting with his former cabinet secretaries with an 'unwanted' sign [ Coutersy]

“Only dogs eat their puke,” so said the wise men of the past. Humans, like the conscious mammals they are are disgusted by their vomit. They do not stay around it, let a lone come into contact with it. It’s smell suffocates the nose while the sight of it hurts the mind. So ugly a thing, that must be flushed down the toilets, or at least covered under the soil. The logic is simple; that which is excreted, is unwanted, and probably harmful to the body. It is however a damning reality that in Kenya, citizens can go to the streets to demand for the successful ‘excretion’ of certain individuals from public offices, only to call for their re-instatement later on.

This is wrong, in every sense of the word. Disgusting in stronger terms but to be more polished: it is unethical to force a survey down the throats of citizens on whether they want ousted public servants re-instated. How do you ask children to chose which of their abusive parents deserve a second chance with them? What criteria do you use in choosing the test questions?. While this is just one of the many political surveys done to maintain relevance by pseudo data analysis firms, the general idea of collecting public opinion is getting denigrated and said firms are charting their way into dangerous paths of oblivion, just like Cambridge Analytica and the ilk.

Just by the fact that they demanded for their sacking by means of demonstrations, members of the public issued their vote of no confidence while by dismissing them, President William Ruto accepted that indeed, he had incompetent cabinet secretaries. Why then must we conduct polls on such an irrelevant topics? While poll-firms play an important role in gauging public opinion in various issues bedeviling the country, it is despicable to create a narrative out of the blues, that after pushing for an ouster, there is a sudden change of heart about some of the ministers.

Senior citizens must also come out and prevent the nation from licking it’s own vomit, by re-appointing the same people who almost plunged the country into anarchy by failing to advise the president accordingly.