The Number is 27

A poem

The sun warms up the Nairobi Streets
Pulse so vibrate, does the city ever sleep
Dreams sprint as visions on a marathon lead
Demanding transformation, the winds of change are free
Melodies of hope and harmony for democratic zeal
Echoing Wangari Maathai: ‘We must create a world fit for all, not just the privileged few

The Constitution was calling for the promulgation, now.
The promulgation is calling, the process, the how.
Light of equality or is it equity or is it justice
People… power… metamorphosis
Shadows of colonialism … weight of independence
Mis-documentation of history; misrepresentation of occurrence
Echoing Madiba:“Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world.”

Renovating Kenya whilst educating the western world,
Sparks of innovation, with Uganda, The Pearl,
Spread the light to Tanzania, The Serengeti.
Africa’s woke entrepreneurs tooled with AI – collaborative technology
From her boardrooms to classrooms where tomorrow unfolds
Legacy and wisdom of our Ancestors empowers and holds
Echoing Winnie Madikizela- Mandela;“Africa’s time has come”

Kenya’s dreams sprints, her visions sharp, yet a limping lead
Marathoning towards the sustainability of addressing needs
Wananchi wote, voices stronger, expectations unmarginalized
The Promulgation was certainly televised
Niched in time, the number 27- zero- eight, that historical date
The Republic of Kenya, boldly shook hands with her fate
Echoing the latest shout out in town: “We are tribeless, fearless and faceless”- Gen Z
“With justice as our shield and defender- we arise from this mess.”

Pushing the movement, the hashtags, the aces
Occupation of all the politically anointed spaces
Either we pretend that all is well with historical recreation
Or we stand within the power of the newest revolution.

Whose turn is it to eat, now?

Houston: “The Republic of Kenya has a dire situation!”

Friday 27th August 2010, The Republic of Kenya promulgated the 2010 Constitution.
Simply put, the promulgation of a constitution is the official act of making it a legally binding document for a nation or state.